Dr Mohammad Afshar (Founder and CEO) is joining a prestigious panel of industry leaders to discuss the strategy of open data, data intelligence and data management. Genevieve Fioraso, France’s Deputy Minister for Higher Education & Research and Axelle Lemaire, Deputy Minister in charge of digital tech will participate in the session. Making Sense of BIG […]
Specialist Company Strives to Improve Patient Selection and Treatment Outcomes. Tersan Pharmaceuticals Ltd exhaustively mines and analyzes multiparametric data (biochemical, genomic, proteomic, genetic, metabolic, imaging, clinical, etc.) to identify patient responders and reduce clinical and drug development risks. The process generates actionable information using fewer biomarker signatures than traditional data-mining methods, improving both efficiency and efficacy. […]
Une start-up française qui apporte un support technique à la Food and Drug Administration (FDA), c’est tout à fait dérogatoire. C’est pourtant le cas d’ Tersan Pharmaceuticals Ltd, une petite société française spécialisée dans les applications pharmaceutiques du « data mining ». Links: Read online